I refer visitors to the Ink Desk to the interesting discussion on my post about whether Tolkien and Lewis believed in nymphs and dryads. It’s well worth reading.

I am, however, responding specifically in this new post to Recent Convert’s complaint that the elves in Jackson’s movies all look outrageously effeminate. RC wonders whether others had notice this. For my part, I not only noticed it but wote about it in my book, Literary Giants, Literary Catholics. Here’s the paragraph in question:

Unfortunately, the film fails miserably in its efforts to depict the elven characters. The elves, arguably the most sublime and most beautifully evocative of all Tolkien’s creations, are shown either as outrageously effeminate or as provocatively feminine. The male eleves are as transexually impotent as their female counterparts are sexually charged. Elven “males”, as seen in Lothlorian, are so neutered that it is impossible to determine their sex. Are they supermodels or transvestites? Either way, they are unconvincing as elves.