Having been heartened by the courage of the vast majority of US bishops in the face of the Obama regime’s draconian attack on the religious liberty of Catholics, I am similarly heartened by the courageous stance of William Fahey, President of Thomas More College in New Hampshire (see below). One would hope, but does not expect, that the presidents of some of the larger Catholic academic institutions, such as Notre Dame, will follow this courageous lead. Indeed, in the case of the president of Notre Dame, one would hope that he will not only follow Fahey’s lead but will do so in sackcloth and ashes in penance for his previous sanctioning of Obama by the conferring upon him of an honorary degree. One suspects, however, that Notre Dame will follow its recent track record and will be far happier kowtowing to the anti-Catholic state than to following the lead of the Catholic bishops. Time will tell …


In the interim, as the Catholics goliaths dither and procrastinate, we can all unite in support of William Fahey, this resolute David who has taken his stand against the Obamination in Washington DC.


May the noble and courageous St. Thomas More pray for William Fahey and for all others who are taking their stand against secular fundamentalist tyranny.


William Fahey’s covering e-mail, containing the link to the official letter, is posted below:  




From: William Fahey [mailto:wfahey@thomasmorecollege.edu]

Sent: Mon 2/6/2012 11:11 PM

To: William Edmund Fahey

Subject: Action regarding the Health and Human Service Mandate



Dear Friends,


The following open letter has been sent and posted by Thomas More College:




I would urge you to take similar action with your own representatives or encourage your colleges, schools, and business to communicate in an appropriate way to fight this legislation.


In Christo Rege,


William Fahey