I came across an interesting and important web site a few weeks ago. It’s called “Today’s Martyrs”, and it records the true stories of many of those who are persecuted because they confess Jesus of Nazareth as their savior.  The owner of the web site contacted me because I had reproduced his list of those Christians who resisted the Nazis on another site, without having remembered his name.

The FAQ page will tell you most of what you want to know about the site:


A few weeks ago there was a quote from the father of one of the children who was killed in a recreation park in Pakistan by a suicide bomber. He said, in so many words, that after having seen the body parts of children raining down from the sky, he realized that God had prepared him to experience anything the world could throw at him.  But then, we enter the world of the inexpressible.

People all over the world are being hounded and even killed because Christ is their acknowledged savior.

You can subscribe to this site:


And know the experience, at least vicariously.