I apologize for not responding to those who posted comments to my piece on “The Great Divorce and Its Intolerance” (September 19). I left for the Chesterton Conference in Rochester, New York on the morning of September 20 and did not return home until the evening of September 22. Today and yesterday I’ve been editing the articles that will be published in the November/December issue of the St. Austin Review (another great issue in the works!). This is by way of an explanation for my failure to check the Ink Desk and respond to those who posted the comments during this period.
Suitably contrite, I thought I’d make my response in a new post.
To Thomas Banks, I would answer that political correctness is a blight on both cultures on both sides of the Pond but that the resistance to it is far stronger in the United States than in the United Kingdom.
To Mike, the debate, no doubt suitably edited to erase my “incorrectness” and “impoliteness”, will be aired on BBC Radio Four this Monday, September 30 at 4:30pm in the UK, which translates as 11:30am (eastern). Here’s the link to the program on the BBC website:
To Ed, I have nothing to add to your comments and words of wisdom, except to say that I agree with everything you say!