I’m delighted to have received an encouraging e-mail about the hour-long program on The Lord of the Rings which I filmed for EWTN a few years ago. The correspondent ended by requesting “more please”. There will indeed be more – two more in fact. Earlier this month I filmed two more hour-long Tolkien specials, another on The Lord of the Rings and one on The Hobbit. Apart from my own contribution, the specials also include the acting talents of Kevin O’Brien as Tolkien and the artistic gifts of Jef Murray, both of whom will be well-known to StAR subscribers. Kevin is a regular columnist and Jef is StAR’s writer-in-residence whose work graces every issue. I am so blessed to have such gifted collaborators.

Here’s the text of the e-mail I’ve just received:

Yes, indeed, ‘Bravo’!  Congratulations on your new EWTN program, Tolkien: Lord of the Rings – A Catholic Worldview.  I so enjoyed watching … every minute of it.  In fact I wished that it would have been a full length feature film.  Seriously, well done!

It was like a beautifully crafted composition.  Beginning with your walking through hillside and reading Tolkien… the cuts to the illustrations… and back.  The story of Tolkien’s life was an artistic collage, not a dry document.  What can I say about the vignette between Tolkien and C.S. Lewis… so well done.

I was delighted to learn the truth of Tolkien’s great opus, as he said, was a religious work, and in particular a Catholic one. Then you developed this point with your explanation of the language and names in the story; as well as the myth’s corollary to creation, the Fall and Christ’s redemption of mankind.  

Two important points remain with me. Firstly, Tolkien said, “We tell stories, because of God’s image within us.”  I believe this also to be true for an artist. We draw, paint and sculpt, because of God’s image within us.”

Secondly, your explanation of the place of Frodo when he puts the ring on his finger… not being in the ‘place of good’… nor with evil. Rather he was at the place of decision… to choose to do the Good… or submit to doom.

(now I am like Solomon) ‘ No, three things I have to say’: I really was impressed with the truth that the Hobbits exhibited Christ’s love in their care for the unlovable  scoundrel, Gollum.  

Enough, already.  I simply loved it. Thank you.

More please …