Just wanted to share a link that should have been shared a long time ago!

www.theonering.net (referred to as TORn by its fans) is a site which originated when Hobbit movie rumors did, many years before the movie actually materialized, and has been posting about all things Tolkien ever since. They not only provide the best movie media coverage to be found on the world wide web, but they also review Tolkien’s works, post about his history, feature videos that explore Tolkien-esque themes, and devotedly inform fans of days worth celebrating, such as the recently passed Tolkien Reading Day and the regular feature: “Today in Middle-Earth”.

I encourage all Tolkien fans to head on over and check out this site “forged by and for fans of J.R.R. Tolkien”; while there, be sure to vote in Round Three of Middle-earth March Madness, check out the most recent film developments for The Desolation of Smaug, and enjoy browsing the Library, where the most recent articles include a review of the first Latin translation of The Hobbit and an article on where the Shire received its name.