As an Englishman, and an English Catholic, I am constantly irked (to say the least) by the outrageous bias exhibited in my native land against the Faith of the English Martyrs. Indeed this very site is full of good and justifiable venting against the anti-Catholic bigotry of modern-day England, not just by me but by other contributors to the site, particularly Dena Hunt. In order to continue this noble tradition of venting our spleen against modern England’s bigotry, I’m pasting below the the reaction to such bigotry of someone who sent me an e-mail yesterday. Here is the relevant part of the e-mail:

Mark and I borrowed from the library an 8-part series on “The Tower” (of London of course). Fascinating series, but I was SO irked at the bias against Catholicism throughout. I kept wondering what Catholics in Britain must think about this–I’d be in a constant state of annoyance.

For instance, they made a big deal about Queen Elizabeth being imprisoned in the Tower for 4 whole months in her youth, while making very little of all the Catholic priests who were imprisoned and tortured. The only one they spoke of specifically was John Gerard in regard to his escape–and there was no question of framing it as being unfortunate that he was imprisoned in the first place.

By the way the current curator there kept pooh-poohing the reputation for it being called “The Bloody Tower” because hardly anyone was tortured or executed there and only one woman was racked during the reign of Henry VIII–well how many does it take to qualify for the title? And in the last episode they said they only imprisoned Catholics because of the danger they posed to Her Majesty. Grrr…

Oh, and the Governor of the Tower was showing off an elaborate plaque in his residence that talks about the triumph over all those nasty perfidious Catholics. He admits that in this day and age what it says could be considered prejudiced. Ya think? I asked Mark if the White House would continue to keep something on prominent display if it lauded black slavery. Don’t you think it would be packed away in the archives?