I cannot recommend highly enough the new novel by Dena Hunt, who will be well known to visitors to the Ink Desk and to subscribers to the St. Austin Review. Dena’s novel, Treason, a thrilling story set in the anti-Catholic totalitarianism of Elizabethan England, will be published by Sophia Institue Press at the end of March. It’s a story of the English Martyrs, which harmonizes with the theme of the new issue of StAR, “Dungeon, Fire and Sword: The English Reformation”. An excerpt from Dena’s novel is published in the new issue and can be read on-line from this very site. Just go to the “current issue” section on the right of this page and click on the link “Treason and Truth”. Having read this short excerpt you’ll want to order the book to read the rest of this gripping tale of Catholic heroism in the face of secular tyranny.
On a related theme, today’s Crisis has an excerpt from my own forthcoming book, Beauteous Truth: Faith, Reason, Literature and Culture (St. Augustine’s Press), on R. H. Benson’s novel, Come Rack! Come Rope!, which is also about the English Martyrs and is also set in Elizabethan England. Here’s the link to the Crisis article: