I returned yesterday from a thoroughly exhilarating and exhausting trip to Spain. In an action-packed few days I spoke at universities in Madrid, San Sebastian, Pamplona and Valladilid. My purpose was to promote those of my books that have been published in Spanish language editions, i.e. my books on Chesterton, Tolkien, Wilde, Solzhenistyn and Shakespeare, and my book, Literary Converts (Escritores Conversos). It was gratifying to see how much these writers are appreciated in Spain. There is a thriving Chesterton Club in Madrid, and Chesterton had many devotees at the other places at which I spoke. Many in the audience were also conversant with The Lord of the Rings and with the work of C.S. Lewis, and I was particularly pleased to discuss my book on Wilde with the President of the University of Navarre, one of the most prestigious universities in Spain. Europe has its problems, to be sure, but the meeting of so many committed Catholic students has restored my sapping confidence in that venerable continent’s future. Spain has been overrun by Islam in the past and, more recently, by communism. On both occasions, the Chistian people of Iberia rose to save Europe from the infidel. As we approach the seventieth anniversary of the victory of the Christian forces over those of the infidel in the Spanish civil war, I remain hopeful that the people of Spain can meet the new challenge of secular fundamentalism with the same irrepressible courage. Viva Cristo Rey!