The great debate on truth and how to get to it continues. Ever since my original “joke” a few weeks ago, the battle’s been raging. At present the battle is being fought on Dena’s post “Further Ado on Joseph’s Joke”. Here’s my latest riposte in the ongoing duel …

I agree with every word that you’ve quoted from the Catechism (of course!). Your problem is that you are treating all schools of philosophy as equal, which they are not. The Church teaches that Augustinian and Thomistic philosophy lead us to the objective truth (i.e. not opinion) in a way that supersedes other schools of philosophy. There is orthodox philosophy just as there is orthodox theology. All philosophies are not equal with regard to truth any more than all religions are equal with regard to truth. True philosophy (Augustinian and Thomistic) lead us to areas of objective truth that lie beyond the reach and remit of science.