Please consider supporting my work by subscribing to the Inner Sanctum. Every week, at least three new podcasts are posted, as well as the weekly “Ladydale Diary” and other features. Here is the new content posted this past week:
Home is Where the Hearth Is: Continuing the podcast series on What Every Catholic Should Know About Literature, we look at the poetic vision of Gerard Manley Hopkins.
Revisiting Old Favourites: Continuing the selection of some of Chesterton’s finest essays, you are invited to listen to my discussion and reading of “The Diabolist”.
Poem of the Week: Concluding our mini-series of war poems, I read and discuss “Dulce et Decorum Est” by Wilfred Owen.
Ladydale Diary: The lockdown of our chickens and ducks continues in fear of the returning fox, and the saga of the beard that hasn’t disappeared.
Please go to to check out my personal website and consider subscribing to the Inner Sanctum. Many thanks!