What’s Wrong: Pride & the Fall of Modernity

The new issue of the St. Austin Review will be winging its way to subscribers imminently. Highlights of the September/October issue:

Joseph Pearce sees Pride as “what’s wrong” with modernity and the cause of its fall.

Mark Deavin uncovers “the true horror of the Nazi euthanasia murder program”.

Lord David Alton laments those who are “turning a blind eye to the murder and rape of Christians”.

Louise Merrie is “accompanying the sick with love”, offering “a Catholic solution to euthanasia and assisted suicide”.

Stephen Brady asks “who or what controls the world economy?”

The Quinsigamond Group argues that “expanding employee ownership” is the key to “a stronger American economy”.

William Randall Lancaster waxes sagacious “on language and liberty”.

Charlotte Ostermann offers “notes toward a Catholic way”.

Donald DeMarco connects “deconstruction and the fall of man”.

Fr. Dwight Longenecker foresees “the abolition of man … literally”.

Kevin O’Brien wonders whether there can be “a climate change in the climate of opinion”.

Fr. Benedict Kiely perceives a Christian phoenix “rising from the Albanian ashes”.

K. V. Turley detects “unquiet graves and troubled consciences” in the film, The Act of Killing.

Gwyneth Thompson-Briggs acknowledges “the strokes of the master” in the full colour art feature on her work.

Louis Markos reviews The Eighth Arrow: Odysseus in the Underworld by J. Augustine Wetta.

Matthew P. Akers reviews The Idol of Our Age by Daniel J. Mahoney.

Gwen Adams reviews The Bump on Brannigan’s Head by Myles Connolly.

Marie Dudzik reviews The Catholic Writer Today and Other Essays by Dana Gioia.

Plus new poetry by Pavel Chichikov, Diarmaid Ó Conghaile, Megan Reznicek and Denise Sobilo.

Join the Wise Men. Follow the StAR! Subscribe today at staustinreview.org.