This weekend sees the release of the latest piece of Hollywood nonsense on the life of the Bard. Those with long memories might remember the absurd Shakespeare in Love. Or, perhaps, they might have forgotten about it and are now cursing me for reminding them of it. Now, in the latest outpouring of Tinsel-town Bard-abuse, the film, Anonymous, seeks to convince us that Shakespeare was too stupid to write the plays and that only rich aristocrats like the Earl of Oxford were literate enough in Elizabethan England to be able to write. The first chapter of my book, The Quest for Shakespeare, exposes the febrile fantasies of the so-called Oxfordians who believe this rubbish. I’m also pleased to have been commissioned to write articles for the Catholic Herald in England and Crisis in the States debunking Anonymous and the Oxfordian nonsense that was its inspiration. Hopefully these will be published over the coming weeks (watch this space). In the meantime, I’m pleased that Ignatius Press has just released this timely video discussion between Father Fessio and myself on Shakespeare’s Catholicism.