My latest sojourn at Thomas More College is drawing to a close. Earlier today, having hiked in the autumnal splendour of northern Massachusetts, I returned to campus for the latest Traditio lecture, at which the entire student body assembles to watch me and college President William Fahey argue about a suitably contentious topic. Last time we discussed Waugh’s classic novel, Brideshead Revisited; this time the topic was the Poetry of Faith. Anyone who believes that poetry and faith are not subjects about which people disagree passionately know nothing of the intellectual climate at this wonderful school. Apart from the initial conversation between me and Dr. Fahey, other members of the Faculty were soon crossing intellectual swords with us and each other, and the more courageous amongst the students also joined the romp! Weapons employed by the comabatants included Aristotle, Augustine, Thomas Aquinas, and G. K. Chesterton. A certain Metaphysical Poet (who shall remain nameless) was attacked by me for what I insisted was his Calvinism but was defended by one of my esteemed colleagues for what he perceived was his Augustinian approach to nature. Surely we couldn’t both be right? Those who abstained from becoming embroiled in the debate enjoyed the spectacle.

In a few minutes I’m making my way to the library where the discussion will continue with a group of interested students. To make matters even better, at least for those of us over twenty-one, there will be vino rosso to accompany the vino veritas.
Tomorrow morning I need to rise from my bed of sleep at 4am in order to catch a 6am flight. For the moment, however, such thoughts will make way for the joys of wine and verse.