In the knowledge that many Catholic writers viit the Ink Desk, I’m posting a letter I’ve just received from Human Life International announcing the launching of a new online publication and an invitaiton for Catholic writers to contribute to it by submitting suitable articles. Enough said. Here’s the text of the letter:
We are excited to share the news that Human Life International (HLI) will launch an online publication, the Truth and Charity Forum, this fall. The Truth and Charity Forum will be dedicated exclusively to a Catholic understanding of the sacredness and gift of all human life, the mission and vocation of the family, and the right to live in accord with our Catholic faith.

As we face various attacks in our culture against these goods, this is an opportune time to launch an online journal and forum dedicated to these topics as part of the new evangelization. We anticipate the launch of the Truth and Charity Forum in mid October, 2012 to coincide with the beginning of the Year of Faith.

We hope that you will be interested in both reading and writing for this new online publication, and so we would like to invite you to consider submitting original articles to that help accomplish the mission of the Truth and Charity Forum. The Forum is inviting writers from a variety of vocations, academic disciplines, and apostolates to contribute to our publication. (While this invitation is not a guarantee that your submission will be published, we recognize and appreciate your unique talents and gifts as a writer and hope that you might find the Truth and Charity Forum to be a great place for publication).

The Holy Father wants this Year of Faith “to arouse in every believer the aspiration to profess the faith in fullness and with renewed conviction, with confidence and hope” (Porta Fidei, 9). The Truth and Charity Forum will gather a wide readership through the gift and experience of talented writers that are passionately dedicated to transforming the culture of death into a civilization of life and love.

Please prayerfully consider accepting this opportunity to write for the Truth and Charity Forum as a way of giving a concrete response to Pope Benedict’s invitation to assist people to “rediscover the journey of faith so as to shed ever clearer light on the joy and renewed enthusiasm of the encounter with Christ” (Porta Fidei, 2). We have attached the submission guidelines for the Truth and Charity Forum with this letter. If you have any questions about the Forum or ideas for a submission, please address them to  Please keep us in your prayers as we begin this apostolate.