American Literature & Catholic Faith

The May/June issue of the St. Austin Review is winging its way to the printer. The issue’s theme is “American Literature & Catholic Faith”. Highlights:

Geoffrey M. Vaughan examines Orestes Brownson and the Natural Aristocracy.

Aaron Urbanczyk sees Mortality and Self-Confrontation in Death Comes for the Archbishop.

William Randall Lancaster recalls the literary and academic career of his grandfather, Charles Maxwell Lancaster.

John M. Gist considers Walker Percy and the God Question.

Kevin Duffy compares the depiction of sin and sinners in the works of Thomas Merton, Cormac McCarthy and in the TV series, True Detective.

Timothy D. Lusch looks at Monasticism and the Redemption of Walter Miller, Jr. in A Canticle for Leibowitz.

Jason Waskovich admires The Book of the New Sun by Gene Wolfe.

Adam Beach lauds the writings and witness of Wendell Berry, “A Prophet of Wholeness”.

Kevin O’Brien laments “the death of Catholic Literature”.

Fr. Dwight Longenecker compares C. S. Lewis’ That Hideous Strength and Walker Percy’s The Thanatos Syndrome.

Donald DeMarco connects Chippewa Literature and Canadian Culture.

John Beaumont follows Katherine Brégy’s Road to Rome, writing of her conversion and her Catholicizing of Literary Culture.

K. V. Turley’s column, “Faith on Film”, focuses on “the long shadows cast by Nightmare Alley”.

Fr. Benedict Kiely sees a “light in the east” in the resurgent Christianity in eastern Europe.

Marie Dudzik reviews The Chain: A Story of Faith Seeking Understanding.

Matthew P. Akers reviews Archbishop Chaput’s Strangers in a Strange Land.

Louis Markos reviews Tolkien’s Theology of Beauty: Majesty, Splendor and Transcendence in Middle-earth.

Plus new poetry by Pavel Chichikov, D. Q. McInerny and Lydia Martin.

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