
About Joseph Pearce

Joseph Pearce is a Catholic author and biographer who has written about subjects as various as GK Chesterton, economics, and Shakespeare.

Announcing a New Catholic College


Joseph Pearce, Father Dwight Longenecker and Eric Sammons discuss Catholic education in general and the founding of Rosary College in particular... A New Catholic College - Joseph Pearce (

Announcing a New Catholic College2024-07-11T01:40:04-05:00

The Convert Who Converted Millions


The story of E. F. Schumacher who convinced the world of the wisdom of Catholic social teaching... The Convert Who Converted Millions to Catholic Teaching - Joseph Pearce (

The Convert Who Converted Millions2024-07-11T01:33:27-05:00

Why Read Poetry?


Is poetry a waste of time or is it time taken in the presence of the good, true and beautiful? Why Read Poetry? - Joseph Pearce (

Why Read Poetry?2024-07-02T16:46:52-05:00

Something Beautiful for God


The tragedy with a fairytale happy ending: The story behind the new ballet, Raffaella, by Michael Kurek... Something Beautiful for God - Joseph Pearce (

Something Beautiful for God2024-07-02T16:18:24-05:00

A Holy Warrior


Honouring a hero of Christendom who turned the tide on the Islamic conquest of Europe... A Holy Warrior - Joseph Pearce (

A Holy Warrior2024-06-30T05:36:36-05:00
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