
About Joseph Pearce

Joseph Pearce is a Catholic author and biographer who has written about subjects as various as GK Chesterton, economics, and Shakespeare.

Why Read Books?


In the age of the personal device, what's the point of books? Why Read Books? - Joseph Pearce (

Why Read Books?2024-06-18T16:44:52-05:00

Three Unsung Popes


Celebrating three popes who should be better known... Three Unsung Popes - Joseph Pearce (

Three Unsung Popes2024-06-18T02:18:07-05:00

A New Video Series with Joseph Pearce


Announcing a new series of interviews with Joseph Pearce putting literature "in a nutshell"... Announcing a New Series on Literature - Joseph Pearce (

A New Video Series with Joseph Pearce2024-06-18T02:14:47-05:00

Sense and Nonsense


Joseph Pearce discusses the works of Jonathan Swift, Jane Austen and Mary Shelley on EWTN... Sense and Nonsense - Joseph Pearce (

Sense and Nonsense2024-06-18T02:08:29-05:00

Return of the Ring


As Peter Jackson's film version of The Lord of the Rings returns to movie theatres, it's important to remember that Tolkien's epic is a fundamentally Catholic work... Return of the Ring - Joseph Pearce (

Return of the Ring2024-06-18T02:07:13-05:00

Undercover Detective Fiction


Joseph Pearce recommends murder mysteries by contemporary Catholic novelists... Undercover Detective Fiction - Joseph Pearce (

Undercover Detective Fiction2024-06-07T19:23:01-05:00
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