
July-August Issue: Ageless Children’s Literature


Sample Content from Our Latest Issue Table of Contents Sample Article The firm line drawn between books for children and books for grown-ups is not so old as we might suppose. While we take for granted a certain taxonomy of reading that divides works into categories premised on the idea of a book being appropriate to [...]

July-August Issue: Ageless Children’s Literature2024-06-26T01:29:43-05:00

May-June Issue: G.K. Chesterton and Fulton Sheen: Defenders of the Faith


Sample Content from Our Latest Issue Table of Contents Sample Article Sherlock Holmes and Father Brown: FROM LOGIC TO METAPHYSICS T. S. Eliot and detective stories In addition to the authors of undeniable quality that readers of detective novels can enjoy, the genre’s library also contains literary critics of great stature, including, perhaps surprisingly to [...]

May-June Issue: G.K. Chesterton and Fulton Sheen: Defenders of the Faith2024-04-23T00:30:23-05:00

March/April Issue: The Victorian Age in Literature


Sample Content from Our Latest Issue Table of Contents Sample Article Novel Illustration: An Educational Approach to Jane Eyre “Where did you get your copies?” “Out of my head.” “That head I see now on your shoulders?” “Yes, sir.” “Has it other furniture of the same kind within?” “I should think it may have: I should [...]

March/April Issue: The Victorian Age in Literature2024-04-23T00:18:16-05:00

Jan / Feb – Broken Images & Handfuls of Dust


Literature in the Twentieth Century Sample Content from Our Latest Issue Table of Contents Sample Article Catholic Realism and Fantasy in the Twentieth Century Are realism and fantasy really (or only “fancifully”) opposed to one another, as modern academia—even, and perhaps especially, Catholic academia—seem so often to propose? I have wondered about this question for practically my [...]

Jan / Feb – Broken Images & Handfuls of Dust2024-03-22T12:22:29-05:00

November/December issue: Beauteous Truth


Sample Content from Our Latest Issue Table of Contents Sample Article Love, Reason and Imagination: Samuel Schirra Interviews Joseph Pearce The following is from two interviews between Mr. Schirra and Mr. Pearce about Mr. Pearce’s philosophy of reading, writing, and analyzing literature, as well as his own experiences as a writer. An abridged version of this [...]

November/December issue: Beauteous Truth2024-03-22T12:24:32-05:00

September/October issue: A Tolkien Jubilee


Sample Content from Our Latest Issue Table of Contents Sample Article 50 Years After the Father's Farewell This September marks the fiftieth anniversary of J. R. R. Tolkien’s voyage to the Blessed Realm. Husband, father, scholar, author, artist—a myriad of titles could not do justice to the man behind the mythology of Middle-earth. However, there is [...]

September/October issue: A Tolkien Jubilee2023-10-23T03:16:44-05:00

July/August Issue: Faith and Fantasy: Chesterton, Tolkien, Lewis, Rowling and Other Tellers of Tall Tales


Sample Content from Our Latest Issue Table of Contents Sample Article Who is Tom Bombadil? Mystery. Enigma. These are two words to describe Tom Bombadil. Ever since his first appearance in The Fellowship of the Ring, published in 1954, he has left readers guessing and debating about who he is. Many have spent decades conjecturing [...]

July/August Issue: Faith and Fantasy: Chesterton, Tolkien, Lewis, Rowling and Other Tellers of Tall Tales2024-03-22T12:20:44-05:00

May / June Issue — The Mere Genius of C. S. Lewis


Sample Content from Our Latest Issue Table of Contents Sample Article The Great Divorce: A Novel Answer to an Immodest Proposal Well before Rod Serling’s Twilight Zone debuted in 1959, C. S. Lewis wrote a fantasy novel that crossed over “into another dimension” not only of sight, sound, and mind, but of soul. Published during the [...]

May / June Issue — The Mere Genius of C. S. Lewis2024-03-22T12:26:12-05:00

March/April 2023 Issue – If Music be the Food of Love, Mark the Music!


Sample Content from Our Latest Issue Table of Contents Sample Article Darkness at Noon and the Light of Christ In 1972, a man brandishing a hammer and screaming, “I’m Jesus Christ! I have risen from the dead!” attacked Michelangelo’s Pieta in St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome, doing considerable damage to the marble statue’s eye, veil, nose, [...]

March/April 2023 Issue – If Music be the Food of Love, Mark the Music!2023-04-25T01:10:01-05:00

January/February 2023 Issue – Famous or Forgotten: Poets Everyone Should Know


Sample Content from Our Latest Issue Table of Contents Sample Article One With the Eternal Good: The Harmony of Faith and Reason in Dante's Quest for Truth Dante Alighieri’s masterpiece, The Divine Comedy, should not be understood as a fanciful work of fiction about a man travelling from Hell to Heaven. Rather, the intended aim of [...]

January/February 2023 Issue – Famous or Forgotten: Poets Everyone Should Know2023-03-05T03:48:38-06:00
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