
The Faith & the South


September/October 2017: The Faith & the South Sample Content from Our Latest Issue September/October 2017 2017 Table of Contents Sample Article Southern Catholics and Protestant Bias: Bishop John England’s 1839 Debate with Rev. Richard Fuller - Adam Tate During every election season, articles appear discussing confirmation bias, pointing out that most people read news stories in ways that confirm [...]

The Faith & the South2017-10-23T15:58:55-05:00

The Controversial Genius of Richard Wagner


July/August 2017: The Controversial Genius of Richard Wagner Sample Content from Our Latest Issue July/August 2017 Table of Contents Sample Article Richard Wagner’s Operas of Redemption and Salvation - by Henry Zeiter Innumerable composers have written reli- gious music; to wit, Bach, Mozart, Haydn, Beethoven, Schubert, and Bruckner’s Masses, Te Deums, Stabat Maters, Cantatas, Oratorios, and so [...]

The Controversial Genius of Richard Wagner2017-08-18T10:42:31-05:00

The World’s a Stage: The Drama of Faith


May/June 2017: The World's a Stage: The Drama of Faith Sample Content from Our Latest Issue May/June 2017 Table of Contents Sample Article "Reverence for the Gods in Antigone: Beyond Greek Humanism" - by Veronica A. Arntz “Give me glory! What greater glory could I win than to give my own brother decent burial? These citizens here would [...]

The World’s a Stage: The Drama of Faith2017-06-21T19:50:22-05:00

Wounded Beauty: Suffering & the Arts


March/April 2017: Wounded Beauty: Suffering & the Arts Sample Content from Our Latest Issue March/April 2017 Table of Contents Sample Article "A Note on the Problem of Evil" by John Beaumont "The recent air crash in Colombia that resulted in the death of seventy-five people, including most of the Brazilian football team, Chapecoense, was a terrible tragedy. There [...]

Wounded Beauty: Suffering & the Arts2017-04-24T10:59:25-05:00

The Baptized Imagination


January/February 2017: The Baptized Imagination Sample Content from Our Latest Issue January/February Table of Contents Sample Article "The Narrow Way of the Catholic Writer" by Kevin Bezner "For the many who consider themselves a Catholic writer today, Catholic and writer is a duality when what is required is a unity. The Church and the world needs writers who [...]

The Baptized Imagination2017-02-17T17:22:55-06:00

Laughter & the Love of Friends


November/December 2016: Laughter & the Love of Friends Sample Content from Our Latest Issue November/December Table of Contents Sample Article "A New Head and a New Heart: Laughter in Life and Literature" by Maria Devlin "In the film Sherlock Holmes, Holmes is hurt that his best friend Dr. Watson is moving out to get married. When he meets [...]

Laughter & the Love of Friends2016-10-12T10:36:10-05:00

C. S. Lewis & Friends


September/October 2016: C. S. Lewis & Friends Sample Content from Our Latest Issue September/October Table of Contents Sample Article "Truth in Mythology: Ancient Greece and Narnia" by Paula L. Gallagher Every legend or myth contains an element of truth—not always historical facts about what happens in the plot, but truths about reality, human nature, or divinity. J. R. R. Tolkien once told C. S. Lewis that [...]

C. S. Lewis & Friends2016-08-23T12:50:25-05:00

The Catholic World of J. R. R. Tolkien


June/July 2016: The Catholic World of J. R. R. Tolkien Sample Content from Our Latest Issue June/July 2016 Table of Contents Sample Article "A Sacramental View of the World: Tolkien and My Conversion" by Daniel Bennett I have finally discovered the answer to what struck me at the time, many months hence, as an evasive, yet undeniable [...]

The Catholic World of J. R. R. Tolkien2016-08-22T05:19:58-05:00

Verse in Adversity: Poetry & Modernity


May/June 2016: Verse in Adversity: Poetry & Modernity Sample Content from Our Latest Issue May/June 2016 Table of Contents Sample Article Following the Light: A Poet's Journey Back to the Church — by Christopher Lux Kevin Bezner, a deacon in the Byzantine rite, based at St. Basil the Great Ukrainian Catholic Mission in Charlotte, has recently published [...]

Verse in Adversity: Poetry & Modernity2016-05-04T03:06:11-05:00

Shakespeare 1616-2016


March/April 2016: Shakespeare 1616-2016 Sample Content from Our Latest Issue January/February 2016 Table of Contents Sample Article What Shakespeare’s Editors Don’t Know - by Frank Brownlow People have been saying that Shakespeare was a Catholic for a long time. Newman thought so, and his contemporary Richard Simpson, St. Edmund Campion’s biogra- pher, was the first scholar to assemble the evidence. In [...]

Shakespeare 1616-20162016-03-04T15:44:10-06:00
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