My good friend and StAR columnist, Father Dwight Longenecker, has sent
me a note about the latest issue of StAR. I found his comments of
particular interest and thought that visitors to the Ink Desk might
appreciate reading them. Thus, and with Fr. Longenecker’s permission,
here is his appraisal of the new issue’s merits and his own views on
Crashaw and T. S. Eliot:

The Crashaw issue is excellent. He has long been one of my favorites
and I especially grew to love him during my two years at Cambridge.

I would worship at Little St Mary’s and, being an Anglican curate
myself at the time and even then feeling a pull to Rome, felt a great

Then I heard Finzi’s setting of “Lo, the Full Final Sacrifice” sung by
the choir of Kings and was smitten by it.

It remains my all time favorite choral setting.

He was a great soul.

I believe he now dines at the same table with George Herbert…and they
are amused as they tolerate John Donne.

Your article exposing Eliot was very good, but I think he should be
forgiven his execrable criticism. He did not know what he was doing,
and it is my opinion that he was writing such rubbish because he was
not only unaware, but trying to make a name for himself…

Later he knew better.