No, it’s not the end of civilization as we know it. Frodo has not handed the ring into the safe keeping of Mickey Mouse. Gimli has not joined the Seven Dwarves. Legolas has not taken a job in Santa’s workshop. Galadriel has not teamed up with Tinkerbell, nor is Aragorn about to waken Sleeping Beauty with a kiss. No, the Shire has not been invaded by the forces of Mordor. You can relax. It’s simply that I am giving a talk this Sunday at Holy Family Catholic Church somewhere near Disneyworld. It’s in a quaint little place called Orlando, which, I believe, was named in honour of the actor who played Legolas in the Jackson movie. Enough of this idle chatter … Anyone wishing to attend the diocesan Theology on Tap this Sunday, at which I will be “Unlocking the Catholicism of The Lord of the Rings” should contact Amanda Livermore: (863) 646 3556 ext. 140.