I’m delighted to announce that my book, Small is Still Beautiful: Economics as if Families Mattered, is due to be published in a French edition this September. The Paris-based publishers, Editions de L’Homme Noveau, have asked me to write a preface to the French edition. This is particularly exciting news for two reasons. First, it’s the first time that any of my books have been published in French. I’ve had my books published in Spanish, Portuguese, Polish and Dutch, but never in French. Second, it’s the first foreign language edition of Small is Still Beautiful. Although many of my other books, indeed most of them, have found foreign publishers, my solitary foray into the sphere of political and economic didacticism has thus far been available in English only. Since France is at the darkened heart of the bête noire that is the European Union, I am gratified that I may be striking a blow, albeit a small one, against the monstrous EU dragon that is overseeing Europe’s demise.

On a related note, I’m also pleased to announce that my biography of Roy Campbell is due to be published in a Spanish edition. Since there are several chapters in this biography covering Campbell’s sojourn in Spain before and during the Spanish Civil War, I have long been hopeful that a Spanish publisher would be found. The Madrid-based publisher, LibrosLibres, are currently having the work translated and it will presumably be published some time next year. I have suggested that the Spanish title should be “Spain Saved My Soul: The Friends and Enemies of Roy Campbell”, a title that reflects Campbell’s own words about the role of Spain in his conversion to Catholicism, and a title that will have more appeal to a Spanish readership than the titles of the two editions that have been published in English, i.e. Bloomsbury and Beyond: The Friends and Enemies of Roy Campbell (British edition by HarperCollins) and Unafraid of Virginia Woolf: The Friends and Enemies of Roy Campbell (US edition by ISI Books).