The Ink Desk Blog

Announcing a New Catholic College


Joseph Pearce, Father Dwight Longenecker and Eric Sammons discuss Catholic education in general and the founding of Rosary College in particular... A New Catholic College - Joseph Pearce (

Announcing a New Catholic College2024-07-11T01:40:04-05:00

The Convert Who Converted Millions


The story of E. F. Schumacher who convinced the world of the wisdom of Catholic social teaching... The Convert Who Converted Millions to Catholic Teaching - Joseph Pearce (

The Convert Who Converted Millions2024-07-11T01:33:27-05:00

Can Beauty Save the World?


Joseph Pearce and Father Robert McTeigue discuss the power of beauty, especially the power of beauty in the liturgy... Can Beauty Save the World? - Joseph Pearce (

Can Beauty Save the World?2024-07-11T01:31:45-05:00

The Victorian Age in Literature


This episode form Joseph Pearce's EWTN series, "Great Books Every Catholic Should Know", features the work of Emily Brontë and Charles Dickens... The Victorian Age in Literature - Joseph Pearce (

The Victorian Age in Literature2024-07-11T01:29:19-05:00

Why Read Poetry?


Is poetry a waste of time or is it time taken in the presence of the good, true and beautiful? Why Read Poetry? - Joseph Pearce (

Why Read Poetry?2024-07-02T16:46:52-05:00

Something Beautiful for God


The tragedy with a fairytale happy ending: The story behind the new ballet, Raffaella, by Michael Kurek... Something Beautiful for God - Joseph Pearce (

Something Beautiful for God2024-07-02T16:18:24-05:00
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